
Insomniaca... Cine m-o fi pus sa dorm de la 8? Maine am o zi plina pana tarziu si asa n-am nici un chef de ea... Mi-as dori ca maine sa fie duminica chiar si doar pt faptul ca e vant si frig si... Iarna.
Intr-un fel e curios: Atunci cand m-am nascut a fost prima zi de ninsoare a lui '80. Dar asa nu-mi place sa fie frig, ca nici nu va imaginati... Parca mi-as dori sa hibernez iarna... Cred ca sistemul social e prost conceput, pt ca oamenii sunt ignorati in unicitatea lor... Bine, consider sistemul social gaunos de la temelie, dar asta e o alta discutie. La fel cum eu prefer caldura si soarele, in acelasi mod altii prefera recele toamnei tarzii, de ex.. Nu s-a gandit nimeni ca un om nu da randament decat in conditii optime? Ca sa nu mai vorbim de treaba cu varsta. In Roamania noastra minunata doar 30% din populatie prezinta "forta de munca". Paradoxal, firmele nu fac competitie pe oferirea conditiilor prielnice... In ultimele zile am auzit numai tampenii despre diverse joburi in companii "bine cotate pe piata". E ca treaba cu meditatiile de cand eram eu studenta... La un moment dat am avut o discutie cu cineva. Tariful meu era comparativ cu cel al unui profesor de liceu- logic, imi cunosc valoarea si stiu ca sunt un prof bun si nu un ignorant fata de problemele care pot afecta viata interioara a elevilor mei. Buun, la un moment dat o tipa mi-a spus ca "baaaai, las-o jos ca tu iei dublu fata de cat ia un student pe ora de meditatii!". De curiozitate, am intrat atunci pe sites. Sa-mi pice tigara dintre degete cand am vazut ce tarife aveau studentele noastre... Daca eu luam la ora aia 300.000 lei (vechi, pt ce e history treaba), "fetele" luau intre 100 si 250.000.... Si-am inceput sa discut pe forum. Spuneau ca au nevoie de bani. Dar toata studentimea da meditatii pt bani, nu? Daca ele scadeau pretul se strica piata, pt ca obligau pe toata lumea sa scada pretul si atunci nu mai aveai nici un profit. Pt. ca stai sa te gandesti "Bah, ma duc pana acolo, imi mananc nervii daca dau de vre-un elev mai incet la minte, imi pierd timpul in care as putea face altceva mai bun pt mine.." Si stiti ce-am facut? Mi-am tinut elevii inca un an, timp in care unul a renuntat si am aflat ulterior ca si-a luat un meditator mai "ieftin" si dupa aceea am ajuns la concluzia ca mai bine optam pt un "full time job" si citeam, ieseam in oras, sau orice altceva decat sa am un part-time si sa alerg pt ceva ce nu merita. Oh, da, daca as fi dat meditatii doar acasa poate imi era ok, dar sa alerg dupa copii de a 2-a 3-a care aia scriu... Puh, no thx. Toata polologhia ma duce inapoi la gandul despre piata noastra de munca. Frate, daca nu iti iei salariul 2 luni ce plm sa mai ramai? Daca nervii tai sa tocesc ca naiba si nu te simti bine si ai si un salariu derizoriu ... de ce plm? Nu reusesc sa inteleg- poate ca oamenii nu se uita in viitor. Chestia aia de "gandire de masa": voi faceti legile, noi le putem accepta sau respinge, ca sa fie in concordanta cu convingerile noastre... Nu contest nevoia de supravietuire, dar nici nu imi place sa vad cum unii sunt tarati in mocirla din cauza asta. Ca se lasa ei tarati.... Cum e aia: "M-am nascut inteligent, educatia m-a prostit!"- Lol, Romania- simply surprising...
E groaznic sa ai insomnie- asta in caz ca nu banuiati.... :P Am avut o pata pusa pe "Leva's polka" a celor de la Loituma. Am ascultat-o de vre-o 20 de ori sa imi fac plinul. Acum sunt pregatita de somn...
Well, till next time, ta-ta-ra!

Leva's polkka= Ieva's polkka

Melodia a fost compusa in 1930 de Eino Kettunen si a intrat in folklorul finlandez.
Asa cum se aude si in cantecul celor de la Loituma, nu e vb despre "Leva" ci despre "Ieva"- dar confuzia se face datorita ... tastelor pt ca L mic si I mare sunt aproape identice: l si I. Ce-i cu fata asta? S-a dus sa danseze la o alta casa din apropiere, ferindu-se de maica-sa. Un vecin o vede si i se aprind calcaiele si drept urmare danseaza cu ea toata noaptea, apoi cei doi pleaca impreuna. Cand Ieva (Eva) ajunge acasa cu tanarul, mama ei face scandal. Ultimele versuri (2 strofe si ceva) sunt cuvintele tanarului care spune ca el si Ieva vor fi impreuna "no matter what".
Melodia a fost folosita intr-o comedie ruseasca in '95, anul in care a fost lansata de Loituma. In 2006 a fost folosita intr-un anime, bleach (ep 2). Personajul, Orihime- devenita datorita popularitatii imaginilor Loituma Girl- invarte o planta inainte s-o arunce in oala, pt ca voia sa gateasca si se distra un pic in bucatarie. In animee sunt folosite 4 versuri din a 5-a strofa si 8 versuri reprezentand strofa 6. Tocmai acea parte este "improvizatie de sunete", care n-au nici o semnificatie si care nu fac parte din versurile originale ale melodiei. Cert este ca unele sites dau si continutul bla-bla-ului. Popularitatea melodiei s-a "tras" initial de la filmul rusesc, dar a luat-o razna odata cu animee-ul. Odata poastata pe internet Loituma Girl a inceput sa calatoreasca. In 2006 o companie germana a lansa o sonerie pt mobil care este un remake dupa melodia din animee si au denumit-o Jamba! A fost preluata de alta companie care a facut o mica animatie, a mai pus un efect de "drums" si au lansat "Dolly Song". In ianuarie 2007 un filmulet care statea degeaba postat pe google a ajuns brusc in top 100 google video. Si apoi melodia a inceput sa fie folosita tot mai des in reclame.
Postez mai departe mai multe variante:
1- originalul in finlandeza si engleza:
Lyrics:Finnish: Nuapurista kuulu se polokan tahti/jalakani pohjii kutkutti. Ievan äiti se tyttöösä vahti vaan kyllähän Ieva sen jutkutti,/sillä ei meitä silloin kiellot haittaa/ kun myö tanssimme laiasta laitaan.
Salivili hipput tupput täppyt äppyt tipput hilijalleen. Ievan suu oli vehnäsellä/ ko immeiset onnee toevotti. Peä oli märkänä jokaisella/ ja viulu se vinku ja voevotti. Ei tätä poikoo märkyys haittaa/ sillon ko laskoo laiasta laitaan. Salivili hipput tupput täppyt äppyt tipput hilijalleen. Ievan äiti se kammarissa/ virsiä veisata huijjuutti,/ kun tämä poika naapurissa/ ämmän tyttöä nuijjuutti. Eikä tätä poikoo ämmät haittaa/sillon ko laskoo laiasta laitaan. Salivili hipput tupput täppyt äppyt tipput hilijalleen. Siellä oli lystiä soiton jäläkeen/sain minä kerran sytkyyttee. Kottiin ko mäntii ni ämmä se riitelj/ja Ieva jo alako nyyhkyytteek. Minä sanon Ievalle mitäpä se haittaa/laskemma vielähi laiasta laitaa. Salivili hipput tupput täppyt äppyt tipput hilijalleen. Muorille sanon jotta tukkee suusi/en ruppee sun terveyttäs takkoomaa. Terveenä peäset ku korjoot luusi/ja määt siitä murjuus makkoomaa. Ei tätä poikoo hellyys haittaa/ko akkoja huhkii laiasta laitaan. Salivili hipput tupput täppyt äppyt tipput hilijalleen. Sen minä sanon jotta purra pittää/ei mua niin voan nielasta. Suat männä ite vaikka lännestä ittään/vaan minä en luovu Ievasta, sillä ei tätä poikoo kainous haittaa/sillon ko tanssii laiasta laitaan. Salivili hipput tupput täppyt äppyt tipput hilijalleen. English: The sound of a polka drifted from my neighbor's/and set my feet a-tapping oh! Ieva's mother had her eye on her daughter but/Ieva she managed to fool her, you know. 'Cause who's going to listen to mother saying no/when we're all busy dancing to and fro! Ieva was smiling, the fiddle it was wailing/as people crowded round to wish her luck. Everyone was hot but it didn't seem to bother/the handsome young man, the dashing buck. 'Cause who's going to mind a drop of sweat/when he's all busy dancing to and fro! Ieva's mother she shut herself away/in her own quiet room to hum a hymn. Leaving our hero to have a spot of fun/in a neighbor's house when the lights are dim. 'Cause what does it matter what the old folks say/when you're all busy dancing to and fro! When the music stopped then the real fun began/and that's when the laddie fooled around. When he took her home, when the dancing was over/her mother angrily waiting they found. But I said to her, Ieva, now don't you weep/and we'll soon be dancing to and fro! I said to her mother now stop that noise/or I won't be responsible for what I do. If you go quietly and stay in your room/you won't get hurt while your daughter I woo. 'Cause this fine laddie is a wild sort of guy/when he's all busy dancing to and fro! One thing I tell you is you won't trap me,/no, you won't find me an easy catch. Travel to the east and travel to the west but/Ieva and I are going to make a match. 'Cause this fine laddie ain't the bashful sort/when he's all busy dancing to and fro.
2- varianta din animee:
ya tzu tza parivik'alila lantik talidil lantizsh dandul la dipi-dapi dal la ru pati rupiran kurigan gook'gaya gidi gangul ra tza tza, ya ribi-dabi dil labaritz dandil lande lando ha bari pa tah, pari pari bari bidi-bidi-bidis dende lando ya barilas delan-deyado wa daba-daba-duba-duba-dubyaboo but is that litel'las delando buta kay-daga-daga dudu de-yado
3- Holly Dolly Song:
4- varianta "dupa ureche" facuta pt karaoke:

weird creatures

Sometimes people act like some weird creatures. I met someone who's behaviour changes like that: Whenever she's ok- not necessarly happy, but in a good mood- she is very opened. Available to talk and change thoughts with others... Unfortunetly, she recently became smbd else. Moody, histerical, with a large false smile and very critical abt the others. I noticed that she can ignore her own "wild attitudes" but if smbd else does the same thing she'll be screaming around as if it would be matters of life and death..
I wondered at first if we all do that.. and i noticed the answer was "noup!".... I even thought that o overreact because i'm used to act freely and not to be told how to do my things around. But regarding this particular person one said " Haven't you seen that i'm running like hell away from her?! I really dislike the way she shouted at me!" And i somehow got relaxed because i wasn't the only one....
So i noticed that whenever i'm stressed out i let everyone know. I am not perfect and i use "the Voice" even if i don't want that. At least i can let people know and let them the choice to be beside or away from me- i'm not very funny when i'm agitated. And i noticed that others do the same... This exception i'm telling you about is the kind of person who feels good among rules and "settings"... Isn't a curious fact that even at my job i have freedom? I love freedom... Funny thing that don't adapt very easy with new things... And how come that people foud of rules become wild inside them?

yah 360

Tot ziceau prietenele mele ca nu mai scriu, nu mai vad si ele o recenzie sau ceva...
Ultimele 2 sapt am revenit la concertele de folk.... Ultimul a fost in Prometeus- o revenire a lui Daniel Iancu de mare clasa... Rasete, voie buna, inghesuiala, fum, aplauze asa cum sta bine unei astfel de manifestari... Huh, frumos...
Mi-e somn de pic.. Well, till next time: Joi h 21.00, la ArtJazz, e 12 RON biletul.